Energy Chat | Kimley Horn

March 11 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Electricity customers are finding more ways to offset their power needs and reducing their carbon footprint by owning their own power generation running in parallel with the electric utility. Kimley-Horn’s company leaders in Renewable Energy will discuss technologies, policies, and challenges around implementing distributed generation “behind-the-meter.”
Georgia Tech graduates Kaleb Drew and AJ Jain have spent over a decade solving some of the most challenging power system problems for nuclear power plants, data centers, advanced manufacturing facilities, electric vehicle charging hubs, and microgrids.
Together they lead Kimley-Horn’s Electrical Engineering division focused on incorporating solar and battery storage projects of all scales into the US power grid. Their diverse project backgrounds have given them unique insight into the interplay of electrical loads and power generation as they support the global energy transition. Their current projects will add over 2 gigawatts of carbon-free electricity to the electric grid this year ranging from solar canopies in parking lots, to large battery storage farms, to a fully-separate 100% renewable-powered microgrid to support a brand new city in the Caribbean.
Energy Club @ GT